Monday, May 18, 2015

Post 1 May.18

First impression of video...
Duplicate from my paper

The music was annoying, "let me get up on it" constantly replaying and throbbing, but the voice over interlude caught my attention. The phrases sounded like infomercials. The beginning about first 30 sec to a minute of credits was nauseating for me, makes me car sick when the frame gets too shifty while attempting to read the screen all at once with the pixels. Amused when those pixels that became distinctive shapes like the planet  looked like Saturn, with the ring around it. The whole film reminded me of an abstract painting, people clearly jumped out the most for me, such as the little boy near the end holding a camera or telescope? The film makes me second guess what I remember watching. Distinct rhythm to the music although chaotic. The quick shuffle of words across the screen kept me focused on trying to read the sentences as if hypnotized.

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